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Thursday, April 26, 2007

Little SOA vs Big SOA

During our "off air" preamble with Miko Matsumura prior to recording our podcast earlier this week, he mentioned that he likes MWD's focus on "Big SOA".

I'd never thought of what we tell customers about SOA in this way before, but it's true that we try and get people thinking about how SOA can help them transform their organisations in the long term by pushing the boundaries of SOA and not sticking with an overly-technical, bottom-up approach that sees SOA as "EAI with standards". So Miko got me thinking about what, precisely, "Big SOA" might be and how it might be different from something that for the sake of argument we might call "little SOA".

So I came up with a picture:

As the picture shows, I think the difference between "little" and "big" SOA comes down to how you look at the "S" and the "A" of SOA.

In "little SOA" (bottom left of the picture), organisations have a software development centric view of what a "service" is. A service is basically a standalone software component with some kind of remotely addressable invocation interface (let's say a WS-* interface for now). In "little SOA" organisations have a similarly narrow view of what "architecture" is - architecture is basically software design with a corner office.

In "big SOA" (top right of the picture), organisations have a much broader view of what a "service" is. In this broader view a service isn't something you build; it's something that is experienced by a consumer. This view, therefore, is really about realising that delivering a service requires all sorts of IT competencies (design, development, integration, testing, deployment, admin, ops and change management) to be integrated together across the lifecycle of an investment that is packaged up as a service. That's a very different perspective on "service" that is not coincidentally much closer to what a business exec would think of if you asked them what a "service" is. In big SOA organisations also have a broader view of what architecture is about. Architecture isn't an inwardly-focused IT competence that seeks to make global optimisations to portfolios of software development projects. It's an outwardly-focused business-IT communication competence that seeks to further understanding of IT within business, and of business within IT.

I don't have hard quantitative data to back this up, but based on anecdotal evidence of customer conversations my feeling is that the majority of companies considering or starting out with SOA are doing "little SOA".

What do you think?

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I really like this approach. Too many companies have spent too much money failing to implement SOA.

Your concept that these fail to deliver the expected business value, which is in large part due to a companies 'little SOA' approach is spot on.

What amazes me is that this concept is not particularly new. Too often I speak with vendors about their messaging and get presented with their own internal way of looking at things instead of what is the problem that customers are facing.
Our company is currently on our second go around at SOA. Our 1st attempt was little SOA and it was not successful either from an IT or a business viewpoint.

Our current approach is big SOA and involves managed service portfolios, shared information data modeling and of course Business Process driven services.

We are just starting to see early signs of the value of big SOA, but we are by no means on the road to success. The IT organization is still struggling with making the shift and I see the tension every day to drop back to old, developer-centric habits.

Our business is also struggling with the fact that to get to the point where we can reap the benefits of big SOA, they need to transform how they work with IT in a strategic fashion as opposed to the "build-to-order" custom model that has been the focus of corporate IT for the last 2 decades.

If we can make it through the change curve, then I believe it will transform our organization from a build-to-order custom shop to an assemble-to-order shop.
Steve, great input - thanks for sharing that. Your initiative sounds really interesting - if you want to chat more about it, please get in touch! neilwd at mwdadvisors dot com.
Very nice explanation!!!

I have also observed this, to begin with the companies are looking towards "Little SOA" and are not very open to the idea of "Big SOA".
Little SOA looks very attractive to them and seems quite risk free and utilizes less resources to start with. Though few companies may understand the advantages and need for Big SOA, many don't.
It is very difficult to convince clients to follow the Big SOA approach, and make them understand that in medium/long term it will give them more benefits.
They look towards Little SOA, because it offers some sort of immediate ROI to them.
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