Is there room for architects and architecture in BPM?
With much of the early development in the Business Process Management (BPM) market being driven by technology vendors selling products for one-off departmental projects to line-of-business heads, and with IT stakeholders often being brought in only after the deal is done, lately we've been wondering - now that there's no doubt that BPM is becoming more mainstream - what's the role of IT architects, and IT architecture, in today's BPM initiatives? There's a lot of talk in the BPM technology vendor community about enabling customers to "scale up" their BPM initiatives - and it seems to us that IT architect involvement is likely to be a key factor in shaping how that happens in practice.
Behind the scenes we've recently built a great relationship with the not-for-profit International Association of Software Architects (
IASA), and so we asked them if they'd help us explore this question. We've worked together to carry out a web-based survey - and although all IASA members have now been invited to take part, I wanted to make sure that you had a chance to take a look and offer your thoughts, too. If you're in an IT architecture role, or know someone who is, we'd be delighted to have your involvement:
you can find the online survey here.
Once the survey is complete, we'll create an in-depth report drilling into the survey findings and correlating them with findings from our other BPM research work. Everyone taking part in this survey will be eligible to receive a free copy of the report. We'll also create an IASA-only webinar, based on the survey results and adding other best-practice insights. All IASA members will be able to access this webinar free of charge.
So - if you're an IT architect or know someone who is - we'd
love to hear from you! And if you're interested in the IASA webinar we're creating -
it's easy to become an IASA member...
Labels: architecture, BPM, IASA, survey, webinar